The War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells - paperback
The War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells - paperback
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H.G. Wells's science fiction classic, the first novel to explore the possibilities of intelligent life from other planets, is still startling and vivid nearly a century after its appearance, and a half century after Orson Welles's infamous radio adaption.
This daring portayal of aliens landing on English soil, with its themes of interplanetary imperialism, technological holocaust, and chaos is central to the career of H.G. Wells, who died at the dawn of the atomic age. The survival of mankind in the face of 'vast and cool and unsympathetic' scientific powers spinning out of control was a crucial theme throughout his work. Visionary, shocking, and chilling, The War of the Worlds has lost none of its impact since its first publication in 1898.
Bindwijze: Paperback
Conditie: Book bender: lichte beschadigingen aan de randen
Uitgeverij: Bantam Books
Editie: Bantam Classic US reissue may 2003
Aantal bladzijde: 194
ISBN: 9780553213386